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Unleash Your Happy Place: Easy Tips for Military Families (and Everyone!)

Unleash Your Happy Place: Easy Tips for Military Families (and Everyone!)

Did you know your home can actually boost your mood? It's true! Studies show our surroundings play a big role in how we feel. This is especially important for military families who move frequently.

Frequent moves can make it tough to feel settled. But guess what? You can still create a happy haven, even in temporary housing!


Meet Maria Reed: The Military Makeover Magician!

Maria isn't just a spouse, she's a home hero! She created "Moving With The Military," a TV show that surprises military families with incredible home makeovers. Now, these families can truly feel the joy of coming home, even after a long deployment.

Looking for inspiration? (Check out her YouTube channel for amazing ideas

Another inspiring example is Stacey Blake. This proud military wife, mom of two, and self-proclaimed "always deployed" spouse knows a thing or two about resilience. Despite living in five different homes, some on bases, Stacey never lets the temporary nature stop her. "I always put my touch on things," she says, "even if I had to pack it all up later." Her motto? "If we lived in a box, I'd decorate it!" Talk about dedication! 

The Impact of Home on Mental Health:

Our environment has a profound impact on us, both physically and mentally. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Color: Colors can evoke different emotions. Warm colors like red and yellow can be energizing, while cool colors like blue and green can be calming.

  • Light & Fresh Air: Natural light can improve mood, concentration, and productivity. Additionally, proper ventilation helps reduce stress and improves sleep.

  • Design for Togetherness and Privacy: A well-designed home should have spaces for families to gather and connect, as well as quiet areas for individual needs. Think kitchens and dining areas for shared meals, and bedrooms with dedicated study areas or reading nooks.

Military Investors Take Note:

If you're a military family or considering investing in a military area, consider these factors to improve overall mental health:

  • Prioritize natural light and ventilation.

  • Offer flexible spaces that can adapt to changing needs.

  • Create a sense of community within the property.

By investing in spaces that promote well-being, you contribute to a happier and healthier community.

Let's create happy havens for everyone!
